Coaching Co-Actively!

Life, Creativity, and Spirituality:
Do you need to reconnect to your life and feel that something went missing along the way? Do you want to be creative, feel connected, healthy, driven, passionate and motivated? Are you ready for growth, even craving it? Then you're in the right place. Life Coaching co-actively is about being in partnership; it is not about me telling you what to do, but about me supporting you in finding your answers that you have awaiting you. It is a tried and true method of Coaching, and one I not only believe in, but have personally experienced the benefits of. You know what you need, and my job is to help you to access that through intuition, loving honesty, guided imagery, curiosity, powerful questions, accountability and of course homework! Now having said all this, let me assure you that coaching co-actively is still very much about accountability and getting to a place of creating, accomplishing your goals, and having a successful outcome. Together we will take the journey to creating your most fulfilling, creative and fully lived life now.
I began coaching as a Personal Trainer where I realized that my Clients were no different than myself; they needed a holistic approach to incorporate all they were learning with making real life changes. This was especially important for my weight loss Clients, but helped most everyone I trained and still does to this day.
Coaching - is about you deciding on goals and changes you want to make in your life; it is not therapy. That doesn't mean it doesn't have a therapeutic element, because it most certainly does, but while therapy is more focused on behavior, coaching is more focused on outcomes. It is about finding what most drives you, inspires you, motivates you to have the life you want to create.
Creativity - As an artist myself (I make jewelry, direct, work in independent film, write) I understand the need to be creative - it isn't just a want, it is a need! - and I understand how life gets in the way. I understand how difficult it is to focus and hone one's craft and how challenging it can be to 'stay in the room' when working on a project. I get it and I can help you get to the level you want to be.
Spirituality - Are you feeling the need to get reconnected to the source of joy in your life? Have you forgotten how to be present in the moment, lost your practice of mediation or mindfulness, or perhaps are lacking what you need to stay on your path of purpose around your spiritually-centered practices? Is God/the Divine/Spirit/Joy/Creator what is really the most important aspect of your life and you need help in keeping that center and present in all that you do? Great, let's talk! I truly feel getting and staying connected to that Source is what will change the world in the most positive of ways!
Health and Fitness Coaching:
Are you unhappy with your eating habits, weight, or lifestyle habits? Do you often use the excuse that you are too embarrassed about the way you look or feel to join a gym, or do you have a gym membership but never go for the same reasons? Maybe Health and Fitness Coaching is for you. I understand the struggle of being stuck in an unhealthy lifestyle you can't see your way out of; I've been there. I want you to know that you can feel better, have a different lifestyle, change your perspective about food and your approach to exercise. You can create a healthy, happy and satisfying lifestyle that absolutely works for you.
I do Health and Fitness coaching in person or via Video Skype. This means you have the option of exercising in a comfortable environment that is not in a gym, or you can exercise without leaving your home and without lots of expensive equipment. We will talk about what you eat, and what is behind what you are eating (the reasons you are where you are now). We will create a plan that works for you - that is tailored just for you. Diets don't work, lifestyle change does, and what's more having someone in your corner cheering you on and holding you accountable is what is going to help you get to your goals. I don't work with cookie cutter methods; I listen to where you are at now, and we work together to find the method that works best for you.
I used to be a Bodybuilder. When I began bodybuilding I was lucky enough to have a mentor that taught me doing a certain set of exercises wasn't enough to get to my goal of building and sculpting my body towards the results I wanted: I had to understand my body, how it works, the muscles I was building, what I needed to eat for health, how to move with form, and most of all how to exercise from a place of connection with body and spirit. I learned how to build on what I had naturally and to meet my challenges and obstacles with new perspectives and choices. I fell in love with the weight room (something I would never have imagined), and learned how to build muscle in a way that resulted in a better defined physique and a manner conducive to being injury-free. As a Trainer I apply these same principles in all that I teach my Clients with great results. I specialize in weight loss (at one time I weighed 228 pounds and have always had weight struggles, so I get how tough it can be), building and maintaining a strong core, strength and muscle building, stability, flexibility and balance. Everything you learn to do in a gym should translate to functional movement throughout your day, so learning which muscles do what and how to build them, and use them results in an overall healthier boy and lifestyle.
I've trained Clients in a large gym environment in the past and now train from my private gym space where Clients receive personalized attention geared towards their specific needs. In addition to having been trained and mentored personally by a professional bodybuilder, I am NASM trained.
How it works:
We will meet either in person (if you are in the Seattle, WA area) or via phone or video Skype for 30 - 60 minutes sessions 3 - 4 times per month. During those sessions you will be challenged to understand within yourself what is blocking your path to your greatness. You will be asked questions to help identify the ways in which you might be creating your own obstacles to success, as well as identify your highest creativity and strengths to get to the next right step for you in your life. You will be asked to further delve into what comes out of your sessions through inquiries and accountability/homework to work on between sessions. I am available via emails between sessions. My job is to help bring out the greatness - the excellence, the creativity - you have within you. Your job is to be ready to do the work necessary, and to celebrate the beauty of arriving to the place you have been dreaming about!
My Approach:
My approach is simple - I believe each Client deserves the respect of loving honesty and straight-forwardness. That doesn't mean being unkind, it means respecting your time and efforts by challenging you to bring your best, most creative self to each session and to your life. It also means celebrating your successes, learning from the 'failures', and building on strengths that lead you to living your life in full awareness of who you are, what you bring to the world and to those you love, and being fully connected Spiritually, financially and emotionally.
Some of the benefits from Life Coaching:
* Be filled with an uncontrollable sense of happiness!
* Dream big and go for the dream.
* Define and set goals.
* Have accountability around those goals.
* Find perspective on your life.
* Be supported through your life's transformations.
* Have better relationships.
* Be more connected with your creativity and your Spirituality.
* Find your greatest strengths.
* Find what truly matters to you.
* Live a more fulfilled life.
* Live your life on purpose.
* Get clarity in your life.
* Be heard.
The transformation starts
Call me for a free consultation today. You can feel better. Loving yourself is where it all begins - be empowered in your own life. Create the life you really want to have - it starts with one moment.
Blessings to you,
Angela Marie Fava
Contact me to know more about coaching or to schedule a free consult:
Angela Marie Fava, Life Coach, Seattle, WA
Do you need to reconnect to your life and feel that something went missing along the way? Do you want to be creative, feel connected, healthy, driven, passionate and motivated? Are you ready for growth, even craving it? Then you're in the right place. Life Coaching co-actively is about being in partnership; it is not about me telling you what to do, but about me supporting you in finding your answers that you have awaiting you. It is a tried and true method of Coaching, and one I not only believe in, but have personally experienced the benefits of. You know what you need, and my job is to help you to access that through intuition, loving honesty, guided imagery, curiosity, powerful questions, accountability and of course homework! Now having said all this, let me assure you that coaching co-actively is still very much about accountability and getting to a place of creating, accomplishing your goals, and having a successful outcome. Together we will take the journey to creating your most fulfilling, creative and fully lived life now.
I began coaching as a Personal Trainer where I realized that my Clients were no different than myself; they needed a holistic approach to incorporate all they were learning with making real life changes. This was especially important for my weight loss Clients, but helped most everyone I trained and still does to this day.
Coaching - is about you deciding on goals and changes you want to make in your life; it is not therapy. That doesn't mean it doesn't have a therapeutic element, because it most certainly does, but while therapy is more focused on behavior, coaching is more focused on outcomes. It is about finding what most drives you, inspires you, motivates you to have the life you want to create.
Creativity - As an artist myself (I make jewelry, direct, work in independent film, write) I understand the need to be creative - it isn't just a want, it is a need! - and I understand how life gets in the way. I understand how difficult it is to focus and hone one's craft and how challenging it can be to 'stay in the room' when working on a project. I get it and I can help you get to the level you want to be.
Spirituality - Are you feeling the need to get reconnected to the source of joy in your life? Have you forgotten how to be present in the moment, lost your practice of mediation or mindfulness, or perhaps are lacking what you need to stay on your path of purpose around your spiritually-centered practices? Is God/the Divine/Spirit/Joy/Creator what is really the most important aspect of your life and you need help in keeping that center and present in all that you do? Great, let's talk! I truly feel getting and staying connected to that Source is what will change the world in the most positive of ways!
Health and Fitness Coaching:
Are you unhappy with your eating habits, weight, or lifestyle habits? Do you often use the excuse that you are too embarrassed about the way you look or feel to join a gym, or do you have a gym membership but never go for the same reasons? Maybe Health and Fitness Coaching is for you. I understand the struggle of being stuck in an unhealthy lifestyle you can't see your way out of; I've been there. I want you to know that you can feel better, have a different lifestyle, change your perspective about food and your approach to exercise. You can create a healthy, happy and satisfying lifestyle that absolutely works for you.
I do Health and Fitness coaching in person or via Video Skype. This means you have the option of exercising in a comfortable environment that is not in a gym, or you can exercise without leaving your home and without lots of expensive equipment. We will talk about what you eat, and what is behind what you are eating (the reasons you are where you are now). We will create a plan that works for you - that is tailored just for you. Diets don't work, lifestyle change does, and what's more having someone in your corner cheering you on and holding you accountable is what is going to help you get to your goals. I don't work with cookie cutter methods; I listen to where you are at now, and we work together to find the method that works best for you.
I used to be a Bodybuilder. When I began bodybuilding I was lucky enough to have a mentor that taught me doing a certain set of exercises wasn't enough to get to my goal of building and sculpting my body towards the results I wanted: I had to understand my body, how it works, the muscles I was building, what I needed to eat for health, how to move with form, and most of all how to exercise from a place of connection with body and spirit. I learned how to build on what I had naturally and to meet my challenges and obstacles with new perspectives and choices. I fell in love with the weight room (something I would never have imagined), and learned how to build muscle in a way that resulted in a better defined physique and a manner conducive to being injury-free. As a Trainer I apply these same principles in all that I teach my Clients with great results. I specialize in weight loss (at one time I weighed 228 pounds and have always had weight struggles, so I get how tough it can be), building and maintaining a strong core, strength and muscle building, stability, flexibility and balance. Everything you learn to do in a gym should translate to functional movement throughout your day, so learning which muscles do what and how to build them, and use them results in an overall healthier boy and lifestyle.
I've trained Clients in a large gym environment in the past and now train from my private gym space where Clients receive personalized attention geared towards their specific needs. In addition to having been trained and mentored personally by a professional bodybuilder, I am NASM trained.
How it works:
We will meet either in person (if you are in the Seattle, WA area) or via phone or video Skype for 30 - 60 minutes sessions 3 - 4 times per month. During those sessions you will be challenged to understand within yourself what is blocking your path to your greatness. You will be asked questions to help identify the ways in which you might be creating your own obstacles to success, as well as identify your highest creativity and strengths to get to the next right step for you in your life. You will be asked to further delve into what comes out of your sessions through inquiries and accountability/homework to work on between sessions. I am available via emails between sessions. My job is to help bring out the greatness - the excellence, the creativity - you have within you. Your job is to be ready to do the work necessary, and to celebrate the beauty of arriving to the place you have been dreaming about!
My Approach:
My approach is simple - I believe each Client deserves the respect of loving honesty and straight-forwardness. That doesn't mean being unkind, it means respecting your time and efforts by challenging you to bring your best, most creative self to each session and to your life. It also means celebrating your successes, learning from the 'failures', and building on strengths that lead you to living your life in full awareness of who you are, what you bring to the world and to those you love, and being fully connected Spiritually, financially and emotionally.
Some of the benefits from Life Coaching:
* Be filled with an uncontrollable sense of happiness!
* Dream big and go for the dream.
* Define and set goals.
* Have accountability around those goals.
* Find perspective on your life.
* Be supported through your life's transformations.
* Have better relationships.
* Be more connected with your creativity and your Spirituality.
* Find your greatest strengths.
* Find what truly matters to you.
* Live a more fulfilled life.
* Live your life on purpose.
* Get clarity in your life.
* Be heard.
The transformation starts
Call me for a free consultation today. You can feel better. Loving yourself is where it all begins - be empowered in your own life. Create the life you really want to have - it starts with one moment.
Blessings to you,
Angela Marie Fava
Contact me to know more about coaching or to schedule a free consult:
Angela Marie Fava, Life Coach, Seattle, WA